WSL Promo
Short promo for We Stream Live service.
AltPitch Promo
Short promo for the AltPitch Arts and Technology Online Festival.
A presentation of the latest play by Neil Salvage, Oyster Creatives, streamed live from the Stables Theatre, Hastings. Camera: Miles Berkley-Smith, sound: Stephen Robinson, stream management & project producer: Anastasia Witts.
London Song Festival
In 2020 Artist Digital supported the London Song Festival‘s successful ACE funding application, developed a new branding for LSF and live-streamed and recorded the festival’s concerts. Camera: Miles Berkley-Smith, sound: Paul of Sound & Stephen Robinson, project producer: Anastasia Witts.
AltPitch Platform
Live-streamed online event for the AltPitch – arts and technology online festival 2021. Camera: Miles Berkley-Smith, sound: Paul of Sound, stream management: Stephen Robinson, project producer: Anastasia Witts.
A play exploring the rise of the angry white working-class through the eyes of the recently unemployed puppeteer. Streamed live by We Stream Live on 26 Jun 2021 from The Stables Theatre, Hastings. Camera: Miles Berkley-Smith, sound: Stephen Robinson, project producer: Anastasia Witts.